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Seattle Christian Homeschool Co-op is a Christian-based organization that offers academic and elective classes for homeschoolers from preschool through high school. Classes meet on Fridays from September through mid-May at City Calvary Chapel in Shoreline, WA.

Our mission as a Christian homeschool co-op is to support families who are raising their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We use God-centered classrooms as a venue to teach children about God. We aim to have a place of fellowship, encouragement and fun for families. While we all may home educate in different ways, on Friday we come together and encourage one another in the centrality of Christ in our lives.


2025-2026 Schedule Information

The  2025-2026 schedule is live!
Check out all the great classes we'll be offering next year.

If you have questions about SCHC or would like to schedule a visit, please contact the Registrar at  [email protected]. She would be happy to answer your questions or connect you with a teacher if you would like more information about a specific class. There is more information available on our registration page as well. You can also request to become a member here.

For new families who wish to register for SCHC, your oldest child must be at least 6 year old as of September 1, 2025. We are willing to consider 5 year olds on a case by case basis depending on several factors. If you would like to request an age exemption, this form is part of the process.  For more information please contact the registrar at [email protected]. Each student must use homeschooling as their primary method of education.

Please note our enrollment projections for the 2025-2026 school year indicate we will have little to no space for new families. We will be maintaining a waitlist to new families as space allows. Feel free to contact the registrar [email protected] for additional information.